"To put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are to prevent collusion and maintain security dependence among the vassals, to keep tributaries pliant and protected, and to keep the barbarians from coming together."
- Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard
"May you live in interesting times," an old Chinese curse says. These are indeed such times; interesting, fascinating, tumultous, cursed. Thus, I found it appropriate to begin this B&C newsletter with a quote befitting this decisive period. Old Zbig is a guy who knows his way around international affairs, so we should heed his words: His 1997 book includes many of the strategic considerations that were later included in the PNAC report written by the people who were soon to become part of George W. Bush's administration. It is interesting to note that Brzezinski's two sons Mark and Ian acted as foreign policy advisors to both presidential candidates in this year's U.S. elections. Is a divide & conquer strategy being applied that transcends the two-party system of America to prevent the barbarians, the sheeple - in the minds of the elite rulers, that's all the common people are - from achieving unity, or is this an inconsequetial fact? Keep a close eye on who gets appointed to cabinet and administration positions under the Obama presidency. His newly appointed treasury secretary for instance, is Timothy Geithner, who has a very interesting CV. Below you'll find the usual links to pages you should bookmark, some interesting not-so-new news, and fresh leads to follow. Of particular importance on this list are the two links to the work of Mike Ruppert, author of Crossing the Rubicon, which is a damning exposé of the structure and mechanisms of American power and its consequenses. And those of you who choose to read the article on Licio Gelli may wonder who Roberto Calvi was, and why he was hung under Blackfriars Bridge in London in 1982 with stones in his pockets. Indeed you should.
I hope that this will keep you occupied & entertained until the next newsletter arrives.
Links below.
Goldman Sachs spends £7 billion on salaries and bonuses after receiving £6 billion relief package. More here.
Licio Gelli, head of the freemasonic P2 lodge, to appear on Italian TV:
RAND Corp. war proposal to jumpstart the U.S. economy:
Syria border attack by U.S. forces.
Mike Ruppert's blog is a must. Check in immediately to see his comments on the latest multi-billion-dollar Citibank bailout.
Mike Ruppert 9-11 conspiracy film. Thorough and well-reasoned.
Plausible Futures is a nice and informative page on technology that may come in hand as a bookmark.
New applications for technology: Ethical robots in the battlefield.
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