"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes her laws."
Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Today's newsletter is primarily concerned with the ongoing financial crisis and its repercussions. A teaser and a link can be found for each entry below. To sum the recent developments up in a few words: Lehman Brothers have just filed for bankrupcy in one of the biggest institutional collapses seen in a long time. In order to avoid doing the same, Merril Lynch accepted a preemptive $50-billion buy-out by Bank of America. Fritz Springmeier, a guy whose work you should look into, predicted in his mid-'90s book Deeper Insigths Into the Illuminati Formula (e-book found at www.scribd.com) that BoA would be the last bank allowed to crash when the bank crisis hit: "Bank of America is slated to be perhaps the only bank to survive the economic crash, when the Illuminati kingpins will allow their own banks to crash," he wrote on p. 94. We'll see if he's right. Please note the mention of $455 trillion worth of derivatives in the NYC Reuters report. That is, ladies & gentlemen, $455. or appx. 2.400. DKR worth of imaginary wealth and fake, unsupported electronic and paper money floating around. No wonder the glass house collapses upon these greedy fools.
The whole economic debacle of the last few years is a long, extremely complex story. For brief explanations of some of the important terms, see here & here. I will write a resume of my research in this area. I've only been following the economic crisis for a few years, so I'm still learning.
Biological weapons delivered by cyborg insects. It sounds like a nightmare scenario straight out of the wilder realms of science fiction, but it could be a reality, if a current Pentagon project comes to fruition. *
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
The next 24 hours are going to be very interesting in the financial markets, to say the least. Lehman Bros., the nation’s fourth largest investment bank, is going down the tubes. The federal government is refusing — appropriately — to bail it out, and major private financial institutions have reportedly balked at trying to save it, afraid of being dragged down into the whirlpool themselves.
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Major players in the $455 trillion global derivatives market rushed Sunday to scale back exposure to a potential bankruptcy filing by investment bank Lehman Brothers in a rare emergency trading session.
In a rushed bid to ride out the storm sweeping American finance, 94-year-old Merrill Lynch & Co. agreed late Sunday to sell itself to Bank of America Corp. for $50 billion. *
The Federal Reserve Board on Sunday announced several initiatives to provide additional support to financial markets, including enhancements to its existing liquidity facilities. *
Banking stocks fell across Europe on Monday after the dramatic overnight news of Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy and Bank of America’s $50bn takeover of Merrill Lynch.
Frankfurt-listed shares of Wall Street banks lost ground sharply. Goldman Sachs fell 7.4 per cent to €101 and Citigroup was 8.1 per cent weaker at €11.90.
USAs politikere sender et kraftigt signal til de kriseramte amerikanske banker: I skal ikke tro at vi redder jer, når I kommer i krise.
Den store amerikanske investeringsbank Lehman Brothers er på vej mod konkurs her til morgen. Massive tab udløst dramatiske fald i aktiekursen i sidste uge og sendte banken i gulvet.
NEW YORK - As the outlook for Lehman Brothers dimmed Sunday, U.S. and foreign banks were pressed to create a plan aimed at inoculating the global financial system against the investment bank's failure, a top investment banking official said.
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